We are shapin' up!!

Happy Friday!!
If you are a teacher...I know those are the sweetest words you can hear!

We've officially been in school for 3 weeks and I am glad to report that my kiddos are finally settling into our normal routine.  Whewww.....  You always forget how exhausting and trying those first weeks of school can be--- the kids always make so much progress over their kindergarten year!!

I want to show you how well my kids are doing learning and/or reviewing their shapes! 
So far, we've learned about the circle, square, triangle and rectangle! Here are a few samples of their square practice.  On these sheets, the students are practicing tracing the shapes while working on staying on the line, coloring inside the shape and making color patterns in the shape.  Their coloring is improving daily!!  Take a look:
Click here to check out these worksheets and more! 

Also, don't forget to check out the great deal Educents has going on right now!!
I'm so excited to be a part of it!!

This is what I have included in the package.  
Be sure to buy your package deal today!  
You won't be disappointed...I promise you!!

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